On 19 January 2016, the Civil Aviation Section of the European Transport Workers’ Federation adopted its Response to the ‘Aviation Strategy for Europe’ presented by the European Commission in December 2015. The document reiterates the message sent by the ETF shortly after the Strategy was published.

Despite the fact that aviation is a strong driver of economic growth, jobs offered in recent years are often outsourced, poorly paid and the precariousness of work in aviation has increased. There is a need for a holistic strategy linking growth, quality jobs, environment, development and a progressive social perspective. The ETF response further outlines the ETF vision for the future EU aviation combining safety, security, fair competition, fair working conditions and social rights with fight against social dumping and abuse of free movement and freedom of establishment.

Biggest part of the document is devoted to concrete proposals vis-à-vis the European institutions in the following areas:

– safety: critical look at new business models, inclusion of ground handling into EASA scope, EASA funding, new technologies and threats
– strong social agenda and high quality jobs: better coordination between DG TRAN and DG EMPL, fair competition
– air traffic management: no more forced liberalisation, introduction of human factors, no to minimum service requirements
– aircrew issues: labour law and social security application, third-country workers
– ground handling: training and qualification, social protection of staff, no to further liberalization
– external aviation policy: respect for social standards, no more relaxation of ownership and control rules, fair competition
– creation of an observatory on jobs and employment

The ETF insists on the important role of European Social Dialogue in dealing with the upcoming challenges. It calls upon all stakeholders to establish a dialogue to defend a strategic aviation vision that includes all the concerns with particular reference to working conditions, employment, quality jobs and social rights, which should serve as a basis for future global standards.