On October 8th, the so-called ‘political pillar’ of the 4th Railway package was debated at the meeting of European Transport Ministers in Luxembourg. They had to discuss the Commission’s proposal for market opening of national rail passenger services, for submitting all rail passenger public services to competitive tendering and for further restrictions and splitting up integrated railway companies.
The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) organised a protest action with the participation of rail workers from Luxembourg, France, Belgium and Germany, in front of the building where the meeting of the European Transport Ministers took place. The hundreds of protesters sent out their message to the council of ministers loud and clear: “We do not accept the 4th Railway package!” Here you can read ETF petition to the ministers, demanding that they reject the Commission’s proposals.
“We do not want to see the railway sector turned into another opportunity for private actors to make profits” stresses Sabine Trier, ETF Deputy General Secretary. “Europe needs affordable, accessible, quality railway services for the people. The 4th Railway Package will not bring any of this. There is a direct link between the quality of services and the quality of jobs: enhanced competition will inevitably lead to cost-cutting measures, increasing the pressure on working conditions and on employment.”