Since 2001, declared the European Year of Languages, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe the week around September 26 is used annually to celebrate and promote multilingualism in Europe. Our continent is rich in languages: the european ones alone number over 200, and in addition we have the many languages of those Europeans whose roots are from other continents.Functioning and the communication of the EU institutions with the citizens of individual states would be impossible without the recognition and maintenance of linguistic diversity.
For us as trade unionists in the global corporate world, the ability to “speak the same language” with transport workers from every corner of Europe and the world; to share good practices and problems; to organize for solidarity on an international level, is a guarantee for achieving lasting improvements in the quality of work and life conditions.We at FTTUB have always paid special attention to the language skills of our union members because we believe that this will enable them to work more efficiently for their own union and for the broader goals of the international federations we are affiliated to: ETF and ITF. FTTUB Work program, adopted at last year’s Congress features annual training for 20% of each local organization’s members, so that in the 5-year period inbetween congresses each FTTUB member can take up some training.
The Center for Vocational Training Union headed by Mrs. Lyudmila Serkedjieva regularly organizes specialized English courses for union members. Since the beginning of 2014, over 250 hours have been held at the Center. In the period January-March union members from Sofia Centre for Urban Mobility acquired knowledge of the English language and specific vocabulary in the field of transport in which they operate. Two more English courses are planned to start by the end of 2014: beginners and intermediate. We are also preparing a course in French. If you want to start a language course with us, please contact us and follow our publications on training.