On Easter eve, the Executive Director of BDZ Holding (Bulgarian railways) Vladimir Vladimirov, unilaterally and without advance notice terminated the contract of the leader of our organization at the holding – Plamena Zhelyazkova. For the past five years, Plamena has been leading the organization of railway workers at BDZ Holding within the Railway Sectoral Trade Union (RSTU), a key member of the FTTUB. She is a member of RSTU’s managing board and represents the railways sector in FTTUB Youth Committee.
The dismissal of Plamena Zhelyazkova is in violation of the collective agreement; it also completely contradicts the willingness expressed by the company management to maintain partnership, effective social dialogue and cooperation with the trade unions.
We fully support Plamena Zhelyazkova and condemn the deliberate actions of the employer against our union leader. We consider these actions as intentionally discrediting not only the leader, but also the union as a whole.
On Monday, April 6 2015, FTTUB asked the management of BDZ Holding to repeal their unlawful decision for the dismissal of Plamena Zhelyazkova and to reinstate the young leader to her job.
In case that the management of BDZ Holding does not react positively, FTTUB will go ahead to inform the European Transport Federation (ETF) and the International Transport Federation (ITF) for the railways holding’s actions and will ask for international support and solidarity for Plamena’s case.