Organising precarious transport workers

Precarious workers now make up around 50% of the workforce in the transport industry. That’s millions of people in the global supply chain – particularly women and young workers – in casual jobs; insecure, poorly paid, flexible and unpredictable work.

We must increase our efforts to organise these workers. Without them we can’t win the fight for decent working conditions and wages for transport workers. Lets start 2014 with a drive to organise precarious global delivery workers across all regions and sectors!


Here’s the resource which will help us do it. The Precarious workers’ booklet is a guide to education and organising around precarious workers. It’s available to download in English, German, French, Arabic and Spanish. It would be great to broaden our reach so if you plan to translate the booklet into additional languages let us know and we can distribute them further.

This is your resource, requested by affiliates for affiliates. Spread the word and start organising around global delivery now. #precarious_workers