ITF/ETF PRESS RELEASE: Ryanair business model must reform now

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the European Transport Workers’
Federation (ETF) today warned that Ryanair’s business model of outsourcing and the rejection of staff requests for better conditions and union representation is putting the airline’s future in doubt.
The ITF revealed that, following the defeat for Ryanair/Crewlink at the European Court of
Justice last week, it has been approached by a number of investors who are concerned by
analysts’ estimates that compliance with the judgement will increase Ryanair’s labour costs by
up to 20 percent – leading them to question the sustainability of its aggressive and cost-cutting
business model.

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International youth delegation on work visits in Varna

After the Regional youth conference held on 9 August 2017 in Sofia, FTTUB organized a five-day program for exchanging trade union practices, planning future joint activities with European and international transport federations, and preparing the initiatives of FTTUB Youth Committee. Work visits were organized at Varna-East Port, Varna Public Transport and Varna Airport; as well as a working meeting in the village of Kyulevcha between representatives of the youth committees of FTTUB, ETF and ITF. Прочети още

ITF and ETF press Lufthansa Technik over negotiations

November 23, 2016


Ver.di members call on LHT to negotiate

The letter was sent on behalf of the LHT union network on 18 November and appeals to LHT chair and chief executive Carsten Spohr to intervene and ensure that the company resumes negotiations for a full and fair settlement of issues concerning workers in the wide body aircraft maintenance department.

ITF civil aviation section secretary Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez and ETF civil aviation section secretary Francois Ballestero wrote: “According to the information we have received, ver.di has been negotiating in good faith with your company on amendments of the current collective agreements. Ver.di has been willing to lower workers’ standards regarding the future of base maintenance for wide body aircraft, including money, working time and qualifications, in return for an agreement which would grant job security for the next five years.”

They expressed their disappointment that LHT is in return demanding a job security period of only two years. In the interest of co-operative, well-developed industrial relations, they urged Mr Spohr’s intervention.

“Such an action would demonstrate a commitment to good labour relations in Lufthansa Technik not only in Germany but all around the world, in order to avoid an escalation of conflicts and would be an important contribution to a positive and stable future for the company in Germany and worldwide”, they stated.

Ver.di told the ITF that its members were enthusiastically circulating the letter among the workforce.

Break the “glass walls”!

On International Women’s Day, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) calls on men and women to break the glass walls that segregate the sexes in different occupations at work – and reach more gender equality in the labour market.
Women continue to be held back:
• not only by glass ceilings that stop them rising up the work hierarchy,
• but also by glass walls that segregate women into particular jobs and shut them out of others. Прочети още

Once again FTTUB supported the initiative of the European Commission for Equal Pay Day


This year, DG “Justice” of European Commission has announced 2 November for Equal Pay Day. The remaining 59 days (over 16%) from this day till the end of the year comprise the period women work for “free”, as it corresponds to what women in Europe gain less in payment for their work than men.
The Equal Pay Day has been marked by different activities that FTTUB delivered from the very beginning of the initiative in 2011.The Federation constantly underlines the gravity of the issue with its long-term impact, e.g. the pension pay gap, at a later stage of the life cycle.The focus of the 2015 campaign was put on the final report of the “Gender Pay Gap in transport” project. Прочети още


The date 7 October was chosen in 2008 by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to mark the World Day for Decent Work. Since then this day is celebrated in more than 130 countries worldwide. The term “decent work” was introduced by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and has become a focus of the industrial relations.
On this date millions of trade unionists bring together their actions and efforts to achieve a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for their families. Прочети още

Global ITF campaign in support of sacked activists at Gdansk port


A global campaign is being launched in support of Maciek Konopka and his colleagues at Deepwater Container Terminal (DCT) Gdansk as union-busting activity by management reaches new heights. Konopka has been sacked from his job at the terminal after 6 years of fixed term contracts, ostensibly because he is a visible and active member of ITF affiliate union NSZZ Solidarnosc. Прочети още

OGB-L (Luxemburg) sign ground breaking ground handling agreement

The ITF affiliated OGB-L have signed a ground breaking sectoral agreement for ground handling workers, which provides a compulsory re-hiring of workers in case a service provider would lose the market or part of it.

On 16 July 2015 the OGB-L have signed the first ever collective agreement applicable for the whole ground handling sector in Luxembourg. It has been co-signed by Groupement des Services Aéroportuaires du Findel, which is the employers’ organisation affiliated to FEDIL (Fédération des Industriels du Luxembourg). The agreement applies to all present and future companies in the groundhandling sector in airports. The agreement also secures other important gains for ground handlers. The contract has duration of 2 years (retroactively since 1 January 2015) and applies to employees holding the following handling activities: Прочети още

ETUC declaration: Some low fares airlines undermine collective bargaining

During its Executive Committee meeting on 10-11 March 2015, ETUC adopted a Declaration in support of collective agreements and good working conditions in European aviation industry. The meeting was attended by Ekaterina Yordanova, president of FTTUB and vice-president of ETF and ETUC’s Women’s committee; Plamen Dimitrov, President of CITUB and member of the EC of ETUC; Eduardo Chagas, General Secretary of ETF and others, who unanimously supported the declaration.

When the ETUC Executive Committee convened for their meeting on March 10, pilots in the budget carrier Norwegian had been on strike for 11 days. Прочети още