OPT in Bulgaria: developing a campaign on many levels

For a second year in a row, in September 2018, the Federation of transport trade unions in Bulgaria (FTTUB) took part in the European mobility week (EMW) with a second wave of ‘Our Public Transport’ campaign – which FTTUB develops in Bulgaria since 1 May 2017.

Last year, we introduced the OPT campaign to the wider trade union movement during CITUB’s 8th congress, which was attended by delegates from all industrial sectors in Bulgaria; and honored by guests from ITUC – the Deputy Secretary-General Jaap Wienen; and the European Economic and Social Council – Georges Dassis, president of the Workers’ Group at EESC. OPT was presented at the conference “A Future for Labor, a Future for Young People in Europe” organized by the International Youth Forum in Sofia. Later on, during EMW 2017 in September, we worked in partnership with Sofia municipality and the local public transport companies (bus, tram and trolley, metro and urban mobility centre) to draw the attention of the citizens of Sofia to the important role and the benefits of a publicly owned urban transport. At the open-door days during EMW 2017 for each company, FTTUB brought the spotlight on the transport workers. Citizens had the chance to experience first-hand our jobs at our workplaces and thus better appreciate our role as the people who give life to OPT. We also presented the results of a survey we have conducted proving that an increase in the number of women drivers leads to an improved working environment, better service for passengers and more profits for the companies in the entire urban transport sector.

In 2018, we opened our OPT campaign to other big cities in Bulgaria, and  used the EMW 2018 to once more draw public attention towards public transport.


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ECI Fair Transport Europe – our “Yes” to social justice in transport


On December 8, at the ETF premises in Brussels was held a meeting of national representatives in the collecting signatures campaign within ECI Fair transport Europe for social justice in transport. The meeting was attended by Eduardo Chagas, ETF General Secretary. The countries’ representatives reported activities and challenges. Best practices were identified in all seven steps of the campaign. The most important seems to be the clear message: for better transport services through quality employment – in all modes of transport and for all EU citizens in all members-states. Прочети още

FTTUB’s Youth committee meeting


Youth committee of FTTUB organized meeting during the Action week of ITF in which they discussed and debated on topics such as climate changes, precarious workers and Forced labor also known as modern slavery.

Youths distributed and tasks in connection with the new ITF’s campaign “5REASONS4PUBLICTRANSPORT”. It was launched on 5th of October and its main aim is to agitate and convince people to prefer public transport for their movement in order to save our planet from the extreme climate changes. In this regard FTTUB prepared a special clarification leaflet to be distributed to passengers and car drivers.

The meeting discussed some procedural and organizational issues related to the ongoing work of the Youth Committee.


The date 7 October was chosen in 2008 by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to mark the World Day for Decent Work. Since then this day is celebrated in more than 130 countries worldwide. The term “decent work” was introduced by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and has become a focus of the industrial relations.
On this date millions of trade unionists bring together their actions and efforts to achieve a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for their families. Прочети още

NO to forced labour and “modern slavery”

The World Day for Decent Work was marked by another important event. FTTUB addressed a letter to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria Ivaylo Kalfin. There, besides the WDDW, the federation calls for support for ratification of the 2014 Protocol to the ILO Convention on Forced Labour. This was FTTUB contribution to the initiative of the International Trade Union Confederation, personally led by its General Secretary Ms Sharon Burrow. Прочети още

ETF launches a set of proposals to improve EU law enforcement in road transport


On 29 September 2015, the ETF has launched its concept to improve EU law enforcement in road transport at an event bringing together EU Member States, European Commission services and partner organisations. The ETF proposal is based on existing practices and tools that only require minimum measures and adjustments, thus allowing implementation without delay. Прочети още

The program for transportation – the final stage

Just a few months before the end of the year and thus, of the Operational Program “Transport” 2007 – 2013 (+2), on 24 September 2015 an informative meeting was held in the hotel “Balkan”, Sofia. Management body and state agencies reported the results to the general public – MPs, stakeholders, guests and media. They also expressed their expectation that by the end of the year, the absorption of the available European funds will reach almost 100%.
In his address Minister Moskovski pointed out that even now, having disbursed over 75%, Bulgaria is ahead of a number of European countries. All projects will be completed, he also promised.


Again, it was reported that the period 2007 – 2013 did not start successfully; substantial progress was made after 2009. FTTUB became part of this process with the participation of President Ekaterina Yordanova as a member of the Monitoring Committee of the program.
Minister Lilyana Palova also greeted the participants of the meeting and said that although his colleague and her not always agreed, the undisputed success is common.
Eng. Galina Vasileva, deputy head of the Managing Authority presented the stage of the work on each priority axe and most importantly – the lessons learned from the difficulties so far. Evidently, the experience has been evaluated and converted into acting capacity. Everything possible has been done not to lose money and to realize the maximum of works.


The same was reported by the state agencies and companies – contractors on the projects. They appreciated the role of the program to build capacity that was unknown to Bulgaria so far – in infrastructure, as well as in global level modern technologies. “Every station project is unique,” stated St. Bratoev, CEO of the “Metropolitan”. The underground of Sofia was the most successful project in this period which also allowed not losing a lot of European funds. The role of the human factor in the success of each project was also addressed.
FTTUB congratulated all the teams for the excellent cope with the enormous challenge and for creating sustainable jobs and highly qualified specialists. “Each of these projects makes us feel proud of our people, our country and our city” – commented Ekaterina Yordanova expressing the general mood.

Meeting with Sofia automobile transport leaders and activists

On 11 September 2015, a meeting of the FTTUB president and experts with the management bodies of the three sections of the urban automobile transport company took place in the FTTUB offices. The president Ekaterina Yordanova presented the activities of the confederation – CITUB – on the next agreement of support for the Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova. In the summer, a working group was created who reviewed the last agreement outcomes and expressed satisfaction of the successful implementation of the commitments, the good overall social policy of the municipality and the best grade of social dialogue ever. FTTUB discussed and enriched the new agreement proposals list concerning the urban transport.
The discussion continued addressing the next municipal Social Dialogue Committee meeting on 15 September taking decisions on its agenda.

Meeting with the Sofia urban transport TU leaders

Today, 29 July, in the FTTUB premises, the President Ekaterina Yordanova met the trade union leaders of 3 out of the 4 Sofia urban transport enterprises. The “Metropolitan” representative Pavel Dimov was not able to participate due to an emergency situation.
The main agenda item was the readiness of the organizations for the upcoming negotiations on collective agreements, most of which expire at the end of the year. Прочети още