On 4 April in Amsterdam started the action week of the river cruise transport in Europe. It is organized by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its regional division – European Transport Federation (ETF). The two trade union structures are joining forces through their project “River cruise” aiming to protect workers in this sector and their working and living conditions. The specifics of work in inland navigation puts an equal sign between those two terms, as these employees practically live in their spare time on board – sometimes for months. Прочети още
Category Archives: Fisheries
Conference of the EU social partners in fisheries the Social Dialogue Committee
On March 17 and 18, a conference on “Possibilities offered by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) to support social dialogue in fisheries and the improvement of living and working conditions” took place in The Hague. The event was held within the project Towards a true socially sustainable EU Fishery: the contribution of EU social partners. It was attended by representatives of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee members – ETF and Europeche, the European Commission’s DG Mare and Farnet, DG Employment and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The conference was chaired by Cor Blonk in his double role of host as Chair of the SSDC and Dutchman. Прочети още
Will Bulgaria ratify the ILO Work in Fishing Convention 188
On January 28, 2016 FTTUB hosted a joint meeting of the European social partners in fisheries: the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and EUROPECHE, with experts from three Bulgarian institutions – Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP), Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC), Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF), and representatives of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and of the biggest Bulgarian fishing association BG FISH. Special guest was Brandt Wagner from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the United Nations agency dealing with labour issues.
At the meeting was presented and discussed the initiative of the European social partners (employers and employees) to accelerate the ratification of Convention 188 of the ILO on working conditions in fisheries after the EU Council’s decision. The event which was held in FTTUB headquarters in Sofia is one of several consecutive meetings in different Member States in the framework of the project “Towards a true socially sustainable EU Fishery: a contribution of the EU social partners.” The attendees were welcomed on behalf of the President of FTTUB Ekaterina Yordanova, Vice President of ETF and elected Vice President of ITF from August 2016.
ECI Fair Transport Europe – our “Yes” to social justice in transport
On December 8, at the ETF premises in Brussels was held a meeting of national representatives in the collecting signatures campaign within ECI Fair transport Europe for social justice in transport. The meeting was attended by Eduardo Chagas, ETF General Secretary. The countries’ representatives reported activities and challenges. Best practices were identified in all seven steps of the campaign. The most important seems to be the clear message: for better transport services through quality employment – in all modes of transport and for all EU citizens in all members-states. Прочети още