On December 8, at the ETF premises in Brussels was held a meeting of national representatives in the collecting signatures campaign within ECI Fair transport Europe for social justice in transport. The meeting was attended by Eduardo Chagas, ETF General Secretary. The countries’ representatives reported activities and challenges. Best practices were identified in all seven steps of the campaign. The most important seems to be the clear message: for better transport services through quality employment – in all modes of transport and for all EU citizens in all members-states. Прочети още
Category Archives: Logistics
Celebrating International Volunteer Day
On December 5, the International Volunteer Day, FTTUB and the “European future” foundation paid tribute to volunteerism by awarding honorary diplomas and certificates to their volunteers who actively participated in the activities and the events of the two organisations. The ceremony was held on the beautiful site of Sofia History Museum. Nadezhda Staneva was leading the event.
FTTUB President Ekaterina Yordanova welcomed the participants with the words: “You are probably wondering how come unions, which preach that each work should be rewarded fairly, develop volunteering. Union membership and trade union activity in their own way are volunteerism. They mean personal time and effort sacrificed in the name of common good and excellence for all. Volunteerism is in the heart of trade unionism. ”
Yordanova recalled that last year FTTUB and the “European future” foundation, with the invaluable support of Sofia Municipality and Karlovo Municipality, organized and realized a number of initiatives. Прочети още
Truckers in Kenya need our support
According to the International Transport Workers Federation, “Over the weekend truck drivers in Kenya working for Agility global integrated logistics were beaten, abducted at gunpoint and forced to drive their trucks to a company workshop. Прочети още
We all need to stand up for our Right to strike
On 18 February FTTUB will participate in the Global action day under the motto ‘Hands off our right to strike!’, organized by the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC), International Transport workers’ Federation (ITF), Public Services International (PSI) and other international federations representing workers from various sectors.
ITUC has prepared an in-depth analysis of the legal grounds for the right to strike and the role of ILO, which can be read here. The right to strike has been guaranteed as every worker’s legal right ever since ILO’s Convention 87 was adopted back in 1948. Each state which has ratified an ILO convention is bound to observe its regulatioons. Regardless of this, for the last few years the employers have been questioning and undermining this key worker’s right and its legal foundations; and as of today, according to ITUC’s data, workers in 37 countries have been detained for protests or strike activities. Прочети още
Austria shares its example of decent work
From 15 to 17.12.2014g. Mila Nikolova – FTTUB expert and Martin Ivanov from the CITUB visited Austria as last phase of a Confederation’s training in decent work, part of a joint international project. There, in the rich and full of meetings program, they met trainers and participants in the same training; visited labor unions, public structures, infrastructure projects and sites related to transport, in response to the interest shown by FTTUB.
During the first day the guests were given a brief presentation of the structure and way of conducting social dialogue, in which Austria differs from the other European countries. Прочети още
Support for DHL Colombia workers
FTTUB stands firmly with the workers at DHL Colombia in their just fight for respect of their rights, and in support of their union activist from Bogota Jose Ignacio Garzon, relocated by the management of DHL Express to another job, and then suspended, as a punishment for his union activism. Прочети още
ITF: Act now to support #DHLDelhi4
Workers at DHL India have been suspended from work and transferred hundreds of miles away from their families apparently as punishment for their trade union activities.
Sunil, Mahender, Kalyan and Sanjay need our support now.
Workers in Delhi are staging a Dharna (sit in) this Sunday. To coincide, ITF is launching two weeks of virtual Dharna. Here’s what you can do to support: Прочети още
The protests of workers at DHL India continue
In the beginning of August, over 100 employees, indignated by the humiliating treatment of DHL Delhi, spent three hours in a peaceful sit-in protest, inspired by the example of Mahatma Gandhi. They said they would not give in and were expecting to get support from the DHL activists who are coming to India for the DHL network meeting in November 2014. Just like their colleagues from DHL Mumbai, these workers too were affected by the decision of DHL to Прочети още